What We Do

  • At Empower Pakistan, our actions speak louder than words. We are committed to translating our mission and vision into concrete initiatives and programs that uplift the underprivileged in Pakistan. Here’s an overview of what we do
1: Education for Everyone
2: Women Empowerment

3: Medical for Everyone

4: Food for Everyone

5: Community Development

6: Advocacy and Awareness

7: Fundraising and Donor Engagement


Education for Everyone

What we do

Empower Youth - Empower Pakistan

Together, We Can Make a Difference

  • We establish and run primary schools that provide a nurturing environment for children to receive quality education.
  • We ensure that no child is left behind by reaching out to every child in need and facilitating their access to education.
  • We offer technical education programs that equip young individuals with practical skills, preparing them for meaningful careers and community development.

Women Empowerment

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Empower Youth - Empower Pakistan

Together, We Can Make a Difference

  • We provide education and skill development programs designed to empower women, enabling them to become self-reliant and confident contributors to society.
  • We create economic opportunities for women to participate in the workforce, reducing gender inequality and promoting financial independence.
  • We prioritize women’s health and well-being by providing access to healthcare services and promoting awareness of women’s rights.

Medical for Everyone


Empower Youth - Empower Pakistan

Together, We Can Make a Difference

  • We ensure that every individual, regardless of their economic status, has access to essential medical care and services.
  • We educate communities about the importance of health and hygiene, promoting healthier lives for all.

Food for Everyone

pngwing.com (3)

Empower Youth - Empower Pakistan

Together, We Can Make a Difference

  • We distribute food to those in need, ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry and everyone has access to nutritious meals.
  • We work on creating sustainable solutions for food security by supporting agricultural initiatives, community gardens, and nutrition education.
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Vivamus in diam turpis
maximus tristique


Vivamus in diam turpis
maximus tristique


Vivamus in diam turpis
maximus tristique

Sed ultrices nisl velit, eu ornare est ullamcorper

Nunc quis nibh magna. Proin risus erat, fringilla vel purus sit amet, mattis porta enim. Duis fermentum faucibus est, sed vehicula velit sodales vitae. Mauris mollis lobortis turpis, eget accumsan ante aliquam quis. Nam ullamcorper rhoncus sem vitae tempus.

Curabitur ut tortor a orci fermentum ultricies. Mauris maximus velit commodo, varius ligula vel, consequat est.

“Ut ultricies imperdiet sodales. Aliquam fringilla aliquam ex sit
amet elementum. Proin bibendum sollicitudin feugiat.”

Sara Wright

Nulla mauris dolor gravida a varius

Phasellus scelerisque sapien sit amet mauris laoreet, eget scelerisque nunc cursus. Duis ultricies malesuada leo vel aliquet. Curabitur rutrum porta dui eget mollis.

Mauris accumsan
massa non

Alice Boyd, co-founder

We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone

+61 (0) 383 766 284
