Empower Organization Pakistan - Terms and Conditions for Donations
1. Acceptance of Donations Empower Organization Pakistan reserves the right to accept donations, contributions, and grants that align with our mission. We will only accept gifts that can be used in line with our purpose of providing meaningful assistance to underserved communities across Pakistan.
2. Donor Financial Security We prioritize donor financial security. No irrevocable gift or life-income donation will be accepted if it could reasonably affect the donor’s financial stability. We encourage all donors to give responsibly.
3. Tax and Legal Advice Empower Organization Pakistan does not provide tax or financial advice regarding donations. Donors are advised to consult their own financial professionals to understand any implications related to their contributions.
4. Acceptable Donation Types We accept donations in cash and publicly traded securities. Other types, such as in-kind services, real property, personal property, and non-liquid assets, may require review to determine if they align with our policies.
5. Conditions for Certain Gifts Certain gifts, including real estate, non-liquid securities, and restricted-use contributions, may require further evaluation to ensure compliance with our mission and to address any potential obligations or liabilities.
6. Donation Acknowledgments Empower Organization Pakistan will provide acknowledgments for donations to meet tax requirements. However, except for cash and publicly traded securities, we do not assign monetary value to the receipt of any other donations.
7. Donor Intent and Privacy We honor donor preferences for restricted purposes and respect anonymity. Information on anonymous donations will be limited to essential staff, ensuring confidentiality.
8. Third-Party Compensation Empower Organization Pakistan does not offer any form of compensation, including finders' fees or commissions, for directing donors or gifts to the organization.
Thank you for supporting Empower Organization Pakistan in our mission to empower communities and foster positive change across Pakistan.